The Basics
The Six Defining Statements of Existence
"Explore the concept that you are the creators of your own 'destiny' - the creators of your existence.
And that, as a result, the circumstances or the situations that you find yourselves in are, in effect, created by you - attracted by yourselves to yourselves in order to bring about for yourselves an awareness of the expansion of your existence."
Excerpt from The Defining Statements Of Existence eBook

Existence Is But An Extension Of Yourself™
"The statement, 'I Am Sufficient™' is a statement that will alter and shift the reality of your existence, if you but begin to observe it.
Those of you who are reading this will begin to recognize that, through observation, you will then observe your sufficiency."
Excerpt from The Defining Statements Of Existence eBook

I Am Sufficient™
"When you move through a circumstance or situation, observe how you do it.
Observe your emotional state, your mental state, your physical state; observe the aspect of whether or not you felt limited, whether you allowed yourself to interact with the circumstances in a limited fashion.
And you will then begin to observe the degree to which you limit your existence."
Excerpt from The Defining Statements Of Existence eBook

I Am Limitless, My Choices Reflect My Limitlesness™
"When you go to another and say,
'You are doing this; you make me angry; you create my reality; you affect my choices,'
we assure you, you're not denigrating another, you're denigrating yourself."
Excerpt from The Defining Statements Of Existence eBook

That Which You Are Is That Which I Am, And That Which I Am Is That Which You Are™
"If joy is equated to the expansion of your existence - and we suggest that it is -
then the experience is an expansion of your existence.
How you perceive it, how you react to it, how you respond to it is a choice that you make
and even that choice is also an expansion of your existence."
Excerpt from The Defining Statements Of Existence eBook

That Which You Choose, You Do So Out Of Joy™
"You are entities, dear friends - energy entities, from one perspective. That you perceive yourselves as having physical bodies and as being physical entities is a choice that you make.
But you are, from our perspective, energy entities. As such, you are the creators of your own existence."
Excerpt from The Defining Statements Of Existence eBook

All That I Am Is Love, All That You Are Is Love™
All of The Wonders' material is based on these six statements. The Wonders have been discussing these statements for over two decades now. You won't believe how much they can impact your life.
We suggest starting with our eBook that specifically focuses on each individual statement and explains how they work together as a whole.