Tips to help make your life easier.

Spoiler alert: there is no “best” way to listen to The Wonders’ material.
The Wonders themselves have said over and over and over again to just pick a recording, any recording. And start listening.
Sometimes, they recommend a specific series, such as Control vs. Command or the Vulnerability Series (there are more than one, there’s actually a whole course on it) or Beyond The Degrees Of Benefit. They may recommend these specifically to you during a private session or you may hear them recommend other series to listen to when you start listening to a workshop. These recommendations may help you deepen and broaden your understanding of the topic they are discussing, but they are not necessary in order for you to understand a topic or a workshop.
Other than the occasional recommendation from The Wonders, they created the library of material in order to be enjoyed freely. This means that, if there is a best way to listen to it, it is for you to freely pick a recording and start listening.
We’ve created several Courses to help any newcomers that may feel a bit overwhelmed at the fact that there are so many topics and recordings to choose from. The courses focus on specific topics but we put in a disclaimer at the start of every course that these are just the beginning of the recordings that relate to the chosen topic. There are so many more available in the library. But, short of making the courses 100+ recordings long and again overwhelming any newcomers, we shortened them to start helping newbies dip their toes in, if you will.
So say you are looking to change your relationship with money because you are looking to stop struggling to make more and stop feeling like you’re always fighting to get more. You can search for keywords such as “money,” “wealth,” “success” or even “ease.” Try several keywords and see what comes up.
Maybe you are looking to feel better physically and are looking to expand your sense of health and wellness. Try keywords such as “health,” “food,” “body,” or even “balance.”
A lot of times, the title of a workshop will give you a sense of what it is about but the description may provide even more context as to what was discussed. The Wonders rarely talk about one topic in isolation. They may focus on certain topics, but they are sure to tie in a plethora of movements that relate to multiple parts of your life and your awareness.
For example, the workshop Alligator, Alligator, Are You Still There? is not actually about alligators. If you read the description, you will see more in-depth descriptors of what each session touches on. So even if you didn’t know the name of this series, but you typed in the keyword “fear,” into the search function in the online library, this would be one of the many, many, MANY series that The Wonders have completed on the topic of fear. All of them just as powerful and just as helpful.

Every recording The Wonders have ever completed has been infused with an intense awareness that is designed to help you become more conscious of your ability to choose. Whether they are speaking about fear, soul essence, ancient Egypt, commenting on current global events or giving a workshop on cleansing, they are still speaking to the core awareness of your ability to choose.
To say that “all recordings lead to Rome” would be a bit of a stretch but to say that “all recordings lead to helping you realize your ability to choose” is very accurate.
Pick a topic, any topic you’re interested in or curious about or maybe struggling with and start there. Even if you picked the first recording you saw and started listening, you would be amazed at how much it can help you realize that you can make different choices and that you can choose more.
So why are we dedicating an entire blog post to this if there really is no “best” way to find recordings in the online library? Because regardless of how often The Wonders encourage everyone to pick any recordings they want and to listen to anything, anything at all, we still find the occasional person who emails us asking to provide a list of all of the series in chronological order.
Even though the workshops were recorded in chronological order, when it comes to really learning and integrating the material, chronological order is irrelevant. In fact, it is the most ultimately controlling way to try to listen to the recordings. Kind of like the exact opposite of what The Wonders have been recommending for decades.

Think of it this way. If all you ever did was listen to The Defining Statements Of Existence series and nothing else, but listened with such intensity that you began to integrate it and eventually were able to integrate it so fully that it became a direct reflection of your choices, then your life would change completely, you would become a completely different person, you would realize your ability to choose which limits to apply and which to let go of, you would be truly choosing freely every moment of every day and who knows where you would end up? Not even the sky’s the limit at that point.
But, the chances of you integrating that series completely – not just listening and memorizing what The Wonders say but actually truly integrating it so that it is evident through your choices – are very low.
As The Wonders always repeat, the mind is a powerful tool. And until you learn to direct it, the chances are you will spend 99.9% of your time thinking about what you heard on the recordings and your choices will not change. You may change some of your actions but your choices, your direction and you yourself will not truly change.
So to help you move beyond the strong defenses of your mind, The Wonders have completed over 6,000 recordings (with new ones still coming in every month) that describe with intensity and with the fullness of all that they are, your ability to choose and to choose freely. If integrated, these recordings can act as the roadmap to you choosing freely.
But, if all you ever do is listen to the recordings, think about the words being said, puzzle about some ideas and concepts, try out a few, change a few things in your life that aren’t too uncomfortable and then wonder why listening to the recordings wasn’t more impactful, please understand that at that point you are waiting for the recordings to do it for you. And you won’t change.
And there’s nothing wrong with that.
But if you truly do want to change, then listening to the recordings is just the first step. The second step is experiencing them and the final step is integrating them.
The whole reason Réné offers private sessions, study groups, workshops and the teacher program is so that you have as much support as possible in integrating The Wonders’ material. Listening to the recordings is just one small piece of the integration process.
Full disclosure – the most difficult part of learning The Wonders’ material is integrating it. As fun as it may be to listen and to think about what they say, that alone will not change your life. Integrating the material is the whole point of why The Wonders started speaking in the first place.
We cannot emphasize this enough.
Integrating The Wonders’ material is essential to anyone who is really looking to have a different life.

We’re creating this post in an attempt to help shed some light as to first, how easy it is to pick a recording and start learning the material, but also to explain that the need to listen to the recordings in a specific order is a great opportunity to face any control issues you still have. The more rigid and defined you feel you have to be, the more you are showing yourself the amount of control you apply in your life as a whole.
Above all else, we want to help you grow and change as much as possible. So when we see an opportunity like a request for a chronological listing of all recordings, well I guess you can say we just can’t help ourselves. We have to address it.
Here's hoping this article helps just one person stop overcomplicating their life and living and breathing just a little bit easier.
If you are looking to see which year a recording was made, please know that you can find the order the recordings were completed in by looking at the SKU number of each product. You can also type in keywords such as “event” or “retreat” if you are looking for more specific recordings.
Each product has a SKU that contains: [####]-[letter or #]-[##]
[The first set of numbers] denote the number of the recording. The higher the number, the more recent the recording.
[The letter or #] indicate whether the product is a complete series or an individual recording.
[The last set of numbers] are the year the recording was made.
Here are some examples:
SKU: 152-c-99
152 – this is series # 152
c – this denotes a “complete” series
99 – this series was recorded in 1999
SKU: 1434-c-24
1434 – this is series # 1434
c – this denotes a “complete” series
24 – this series was recorded in 2024
SKU: 102-1-97
102 – this is recording # 102
1 – this is an individual recording
97 – this session was recorded in 1997
SKU: 168-2-99
168 – this is session # 2 of series # 168
2 – this is the second session of the series
99 – this session was recorded in 1999
So if you are looking for earlier recordings, you can check for the numbers “-97” for all recordings made in 1997.
If you are looking for the most recent recordings, you can check for the numbers “-24” for all recordings completed in 2024.

To learn more about this topic, check out our Choice course. You can also search for keywords such as "choice" and "decision" in The Wonders Library.
The Wonders are a collective consciousness channeled by deep trance channeler Réné Gaudette.
Réné channels The Wonders in a deep trance state. He has recorded every session by The Wonders and amassed an entire audio library of their material. You can listen to all of the recordings in The Wonders Library.
You can schedule a session with The Wonders and attend all events by The Wonders through The Wonders Hub.